Teacher Feature: Ms. Turk

Michael Gomez, Production Team

With many students at SJHS, there has to be many unique teachers. Ms.Turk is one of many.

Ms.Turk responds with,  “I decided to be a math teacher, because my high school math teacher was really motivational and encouraged me to just push hard in.. everything that I do.”

Here are two students who are asked what they appreciate and what they’ve learned from Ms.Turk and her classroom.

Giovanni Martinez responded with, “Something that I appreciate about Ms.Turk is that she was always very positive and she encouraged us to do our work.” 

While Emmanuel Vazque’s reply was, “Ms.Turk class has taught me to be respectful and responsible and safe. “

Back to Ms.Turk to ask if she has ever struggled, learning math.

“I struggled all my life learning math, but that’s what drove me to.. push and be successful in what i’m doing now.” she replied. 

From Tiger media network, This is Michael Gomez.