FFA Recycling


Valerie Baltazar and Yubia Gutierrez

FFA is running the recycling program at SJHS this school year. Mrs. Maryanski is one of the teachers involved. She will explain a little more about this.

“ASB used to do the recycling club then they kind of passed the torch onto us,” said Mrs. Maryanski.

The students help carry the torch as they are heavily involved. Mrs. Maryanski explains the process, saying, 

“The student goes to the classroom, they’re assigned a building. Sometimes they are partnered up, they collect it, they store it, and then we have an instructional aid on campus who takes it to the recycler for us, or sometimes a student who can drive will take a load.”

Thankfully, FFA along with the students are covering this, as recycling is more important than many may think. To add to this, Lt. Col. Michael Howard says “Recycling is very important, recycling is a way to reuse the things we take for granted. The bottle we use stays out of the environment and gets reused again and again and helps everybody.

Recycling is also encouraged by Maryanski who explains some of the benefits.

“It’s fantastic for the environment, I think it helps encourage the students not to just litter or just drop their water bottles, or leave it. They’re like ‘Oh! We’re going to finish this whole water, so it’s good for them, and then they’re going to throw it in the recycling.”

For Tiger Media, this is Valerie Baltazar and Yubia Gutierrez.