March 20th 2023 – Tiger Morning News

March 20, 2023

Weekly News!


Students let’s stay off the ‘NO GO LIST” and participate in all activities.

If you attend a Saturday school it will remove one day of unexcused absence, and 6 tardies.

NO GO LIST:  3+ Unexcused Full Day absences (since Jan. 10)

18+ Tardies/Truancies (since Jan. 10)

Grades – 2+ F’s for First Semester Grades

Discipline – Suspensions/SSR

Link to sign up for Saturday school

Admin Assigned Saturday School 22/23


Ask a Professional is a great opportunity for students to learn about various career fields from the experts themselves.

 Our guest this week will be:

March 1st during flex: Learn about being an Ultra Sound Tech and learn about the Program over at MSJC.

March 2nd during flex: Learn about being a Health Care Recruiter for Aya Health Care.

Future careers include: FBI, Vet Tech, Actress, Sports Medicine, Culinary, Business and much more.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the career  and ask professional questions. Students can earn 1 hour of community service per session attended.  Sign up at  or  in  the counseling center!

Jennifer Aguilar, M.S., PPS

*Prom Permission Slips in the ASB Room

**If you are on the no-go list for attendance but would like to attend, come to Saturday School

–Autumn Clark

Attention All Seniors. The deadline to turn in Community Service Hours is March 31st. All seniors must have at least 40 hours of Community Service as it is a graduation requirement. Please turn in your hours to Lisa or Monica in the Registrar’s Office room #118.

Medals are available for pick up in the Assistant Principal’s office #119 for those students who did not attend the Tiger Academic Excellence Award ceremony.

The Talent Search Program is in need of 100 new participants to fulfill recruitment needs.  

Talent Search Flyer (Free Tutoring)

Talent Search Tutoring on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in Room 110.

Eva Aceves – Angeles, MAEd.

Academic Advisor

Talent Search Program

Mt. San Jacinto College

Contact Information

[email protected]

[email protected]

Work Phone Number: (951) 487-3272

Work Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 5:30 pm / Friday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

For more information please visit:

Talent Search Program at MSJC Website

Talent Search Application

Talent Search Application in English

Solicitud de Talent Search

Solicitud de Talent Search en Espanol

Class of 2023

Class of 2023 – Senior Survey Complete ASAP

Needs Assessment

Talent Search Program – Student Needs Assessment 2022 – 2023 Complete it Today!

Don’t be left out! Juniors:

Are you interested in leaving campus for lunch in your SENIOR year? Come by the Assistant Principals’ office in room 119 and pick up your application!

Applications must be signed by student and parent, then returned to Jasmine or Denise anytime between now and June 2, 2023. Last day of school!

Applications submitted after June 2nd WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!


Friday, June 2nd 


Tiger Stadium

Graduation Practice:

Tuesday-Friday, May 30-June 2

Time: 8:30-11:30

Practice is Mandatory!!



***Disabilities Awareness Club SPIRIT WEEK***

is Next Week during Both Lunches

Monday: Wear Orange! (for Prader-Willi day.) Information about all disabilities

Tuesday: Wear Crazy Socks (for Down Syndrome day.) Music & dancing

Wednesday: Crazy Hair day. Game day

Cornhole, Connect Four, Jenga, table Board game

Thursday: Wear Yellow Disability shirt. Game day

Cornhole, Connect Four, Jenga, table Board game

Friday: Wear Blue (for Autism day.) Informational/ celebrities with disabilities game

Hello Tigers!!

I hope your finals are faring well with your students! I just wanted to share a couple of flyers with you as I prepare to begin my massive recruiting process for the 2023-2024 school year. I will be sending one more flyer out for color guard as well tomorrow!

The band parent meeting will be in the library! A lot of information will be covered in this meeting!

The purpose of all of these clinics is to get all students on the same page in terms of music literacy, instrument technique and marching technique (we will start marching technique in March/April). This way when band camp rolls around in July students are not lost or confused when musical or marching concepts are asked of them. I just want to ensure student success as we grow.

For students interested in drumline it is in the best interest for them to attend clinics from day one. They will be learning proper technique on drumline instruments as well as front ensemble. Drumline and percussion will be only open to actual percussionists (students who play drums). Drumline Auditions will be March 27- March 31 and the drumline will be selected March 31, 2023.

If you know any former band students who would be interested in returning to band please share with them.

Thank you for the continued support of the Tiger Band Program!

Mr. Harris

The VAPA team would like to share with you their flyer for “The Fine Arts Fest”

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