Abuse in a Work Environment
January 11, 2023
“My name is Vanessa and I am a victim of mistreatment in the workplace… Everything was ok at first. We didn’t speak to each other, even though we sat next to each other for half the year. Then at some point it all started. At first I didn’t think much of it since it was just small remarks” Vanessa bemoaned.
“Stop nagging them.” the boss scolds.
“I’m not nagging?!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“Shut up, yes you are.” he responded.
“Have you finished your project yet?-” Vanessa asked.
“Don’t talk to me, you’re annoying.” snapped her co-worker.
“…Is anyone going to make a thumbnail for you?”
“No, but I don’t want you to do it because your graphics sucks.”
“They don’t suck??” she stated.
“Yes, they do.” he replied.
“One time they tried to close the door on me. I was walking back to my seat and they raised their fist to me. Just the other day they pinched me because I was sitting in a spinny chair and they have tried to fire me several times.” Vanessa said worriedly.
“Don’t talk to me you’re fired, I’m going to fire you. You’re fired.” Her boss exclaims.
“I Don’t think they’ll actually do it but I don’t know how much more of this i can take it’s starting to be too mu-” she pauses.
“What are you doing?” asked her boss.
“Get out you’re fired”
“Wha-” She says confused.