Water Bottles & Filtration

Giovanny Pena and Jeremy Vandehey

Recently, the district has decided that they aren’t going to give any more water bottles to students. This has affected the school and students in different ways, and here’s why. 

“When we first had the water bottles in the classroom, a lot of students, you know, obviously needed it because we didn’t have any of the fountains open. So yeah, it was a good thing to have the water bottles in the classroom,” first explained Mr. Kubotsu.

Students can now take advantage of fountains by bringing their own water bottles and filling them up throughout the day as many times as they want.

“I can’t say that it’s necessarily better. I can’t say that it’s a lot cheaper,” later added Mr. Kubotsu.

Having water fountains all around the school, the district has saved money and time by not having to go and deliver water bottles every now and then to classrooms.

Mrs. McClaron, a counselor at SJHS, also commented on the situation. She explained how, “[putting] myself in a student’s position, I know if I come to work and I don’t have my water bottle or something to drink, I get thirsty, I get parched. And it’s hard for me to focus on something else until I’m able to quench that thirst. So I guess based on that I would say yeah, it can have some effects. Not big effects, but some effects on students.”

Some students have actually preferred having the water fountains so they don’t have to throw away any water bottles or recycle them.

We asked Mrs. Gurganus, another counselor at SJHS if she thinks that the removal of water bottle deliveries will affect students. She mentioned how she uses a lot of water bottles throughout the day and said, “y’all are kind of in the same boat, so definitely think that it does. And I think more so if, you know, if you don’t have water in class, then that’s another reason for kids to be like, ‘hey, can I go get water outside of class,’ so another reason for students to be missing class.”

  With Tiger Media Network this is Giovanny Pena and Jeremy Vandehey.